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Visual Culture and Hip Hop/VCDM408 with Professor Tewodross Melchishua Williams: Citation Resources

A course on hip hip, visual culture and contemporary art

RefWorks Citation Manager

Citation managers are sophisticated programs that let you build databases of citations, manipulate them in complex ways, and create whole bibliographies with a few mouse clicks. Bowie's Thurgood Marshall library subscribes to one such program called RefWorks. It's free to all Bowie students, faculty, and staff.

A word of caution, though: There is a learning curve. It won't be faster than typing your citations by hand the first time or two you use it, because you will be learning to operate the program. If you persevere, however, you will soon be a citation ninja.

Here's how to...

Format Styles - Online Resources

Citation Manuals

Online Resources:

APA 7th Edition

We are pleased to inform you that the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is now being used.

More information on the APA citation style is available on the EBSCOConnect page at