Green computing, the impact of computer use on the environment, and efforts to become sustainable, are critical social/environmental issues and technology challenges. The purpose of this guide is twofold: first, to provide curriculum support and resources to BSU students enrolled in Computer Science 110 - Computer Literacy & Applications, and second, to be a resource to other students and to the public who are seeking credible resources about this important topic.
Emerging Issues Topic:
This course supports Bowie State University’s efforts in sustainability. Green computing, the impact of computer use on the environment, and efforts to become sustainable are a focus.
Student Projects:
Students will be expected to complete:
* A spreadsheet to process and display quantitative data, with a demonstration of its use in What-If decision making;
* A database design and implementation with queries to answer questions on data relationships;
* A formal paper and presentation on current emerging sustainable technology issues in the global society, using printed and online references for support.