GN1-890 Anthropology
GN49-298 Physical anthropology. Somatology
GN51-59 Anthropometry
GN62.8-265 Human variation Including growth, physical form, skeleton, nervous system, skin, etc.
GN269-279 Race (General)
GN280.7 Man as an animal. Simian traits versus human traits
GN281-289 Human evolution
GN282-286.7 Fossil man. Human paleontology
GN296-296.5 Medical anthropology
GN301-674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
GN357-367 Culture and cultural processes Including social change, structuralism, diffusion, etc.
GN378-396 Collected ethnographies
GN397-397.7 Applied anthropology
GN406-517 Cultural traits, customs, and institutions
GN406-442 Technology. Material culture Including food, shelter, fire, tools, etc.
GN448-450.8 Economic organization. Economic anthropology
GN451-477.7 Intellectual life Including communication, recreation, philosophy, religion, knowledge, etc.
GN478-491.7 Social organization
GN492-495.2 Political organization. Political anthropology
GN495.4-498 Societal groups, ethnocentrism, diplomacy, warfare, etc.
GN502-517 Psychological anthropology
GN537-674 Ethnic groups and races
GN550-674 By region or country
GN700-890 Prehistoric archaeology