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Art & Artists Databases

OneSearch (EBSCO) and Catalog USMAI


  • Use the down arrow key to select title and input keywords in the "title" box.  The results you receive will tend to be the primary focus of the academic article or book.
  • Refine search using these left navigation options
    • Scholarly (Peer Reviewed Journals)
    • Publication Date 2017-2023

Indexers don't always use the same terms as your professor uses. For example, in the classroom you may hear "African Indigenous Art"

In the library, you will need to search "Primitive arts Nigeria" or  "Primitive arts Ghana"  ( the Sub-Saharan country you are studying).

If you find something in your search that Bowie State University does not own use the find it button and request it from a University of Maryland Library or on Interlibrary Loan. Journal Articles will be scanned and e-mailed to you.