Throughout this program you will use the library to analyze, synthesize and critique the scholarly work of others to identify effective culturally responsive teaching, leading, and learning.
The third chapter of the American Psychological publication manual (known as JARS) discusses how to write a report on a qualitative research journal article. On page 94-105 the qualitative method standards are defined. Using this method, you will be able to analyze and critique the work of other educators and sociologists.
Synthesis involved looking at one aspect of teaching, leading, and learning and combining the research on one topic into a cohesive study.
Below is an example of synthesis:
supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Nearly everyone at a university is involved in research, from students learning how to conduct research to faculty conducting research for publication to librarians delivering research skills training and doing research on the efficacy of library services.
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See Sub Class LB1028 Theory and practice of education Teaching (Principles and practice) Research Methods (Second floor of the library).