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Frequently Asked Questions: Home

This resource answers frequently asked questions about using the library online.

How do I access Library databases from home?

Go to BSU Discovery and select A-Z Discovery or the E-Resources page on the Library website to find a link for the database you wish to use. Use your BSU login to continue. 

BSU Discovery (

A-Z Databases SSO login



If you do not have your Bulldog Card or have trouble with login, contact from Library Help Desk.

How Do I find and checkout eBooks?

A: The library subscribes to two major ebook providers. There are many ebooks available to check out.

Please consult the e-Books at Bowie State libguide to learn how to access and check out.

Also, see the Free Academic E-Books (Open Access) to find more. The National Emergency Library is a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship.

How do I find an article?

Use BSU Discoveryor select a database from A-Z Databases

*A-Z Databases Quick Guide

For finding a specific journal article, a journal or book by citation information, use Fetch Items (Citation Linker)

How do I contact a Librarian?

Submit your research questions from the Library Help Desk button.  A reference librarian assist you by email.

Library Service Frequently Asked Questions :