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History of BSU (Freshman Seminar): In the News

This guide provides information, photos, and links to resources about BSU's history.

Other Online Sources

Bowie State History

Bowie State in '68
​Fifty years ago, Bowie State College students demonstrated for long-needed improvements in many areas on campus. Read more about what was happening in the world and at Bowie in 1968.

On April 4 2018, three of our alumni were interviewed on NBC4 about the student strike and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years ago.

See also:

In the Early Days . . . .

Students in the Demonstration School in the B.K. Bruce Building at Bowie Normal School (ca. 1930).  Photo courtesy of Bowie State University Archives.

Newspapers through ResearchPort

1.  Click on the link above.

2.  Log in to research port using your last name and the 14 digit LIB number from your already registered ID card.

3.  Under "Search for Databases" you will see several subject categories listed.  Click on "See all categories" in order to bring up a full list.

4.  Click on News/Current Events for a list of all the newspaper databases we own.


The Baltimore Sun - coverage 1990-Present, keywords: Bowie State University

National Newspapers - Washington Post coverage 1987-1996; 1996-Present, keywords: Bowie State University