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ENGL 236 Introduction to Literature LibGuide: The Elements of Fiction: Home

Background Information of Guide

Students in Dr. Evelyn’s ENGL 236 Introduction to Literature Fall 2019 class created this LibGuide on the elements of fiction using Toni Morrison’s novel A Mercy as the example text. 6 groups were assigned to the following elements of fiction:
style, theme, and tone
imagery and symbolism.

Their goal was to provide a resource for other undergraduate students studying this novel or the formal elements of fiction. They explained the elements and selected examples from Morrison’s work to illustrate how these elements work in a literary text. They also provided other materials, such as articles and online videos.
We hope you will find this guide useful!

About The Instructor

ENGL 236 Introduction to Literature LibGuide: The Elements of Fiction

Dr. Evelyn is an Assistant Professor of English in the Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies at Bowie State University. Her primary areas of specialization include: Caribbean and Caribbean diasporic literature and studies; postcolonial literature and studies; cultural studies; pedagogy; and race, identity, immigration, and citizenship. Her work has appeared in Anthurium, South Atlantic Review, The Caribbean Writer, and Ocean State Review.

A Mercy

