Catalog USMAI retired on May 23, 2024.
Thurgood Marshall Library, along with the 17 libraries across the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI), have implemented a new integrated library system (ILS), Primo, that is now live!
BSU Discovery, which replaces EBSCO OneSearch, will streamline search functions and your access to local resources and scholarly research. The new BSU discovery service allows better access and management of the Library’s print, electronic, and improved discovery of items across all State-wide institutions. You will see a new, more modern look and improved user experience.
BSU Discovery (
Contact the Library with any questions or check out our Alma/Primo LibGuide! Test the new site here.
Use BSU Discoveryor select a database from A-Z Databases
For finding a specific journal article, a journal or book by citation information, use Fetch Items (Citation Linker)